Strong Saturday: Front Squat PR’s


We took the show to our gym today.  Olympic Lifting technical work then a group Front Squat Max.  Thanks mostly in part to the Centipede song and potentially some hard work, PR’s were in abundance.  Sometimes environment and competition brings out the best in anyone.  Looking forward to more of this:

Front Squat PR Compilation

This was all awesome to watch, then I saw this.  WOW


2 responses to “Strong Saturday: Front Squat PR’s

  1. What is your opinion on front squat to clean ratio? Meaning let’s say someone front squats 300#, about where should their full clean be? Also what are your thoughts on shoulder press to push press to jerk ratio? Do you train Shldr press or push press to help with your jerk? Or do you only do jerks?
    I feel like my numbers are off. I weigh 155#. I front squat 305 but my PR clean is 275. I can press 165, push press 230 but my jerk is only 270. I feel like my clean and jerk should be more based on strength numbers. My technique isn’t perfect but its pretty solid. I’m wondering if I am where I should be or if I need to work more technique before I keep worrying about getting stronger. Thanks for your awesome blog. I may be moving to Dallas soon and if hat happens I hope to be meeting you!!

    • I don’t know the ratio off the top of my head but I know that it changes based on a lifter. In theory your 3RM FS would match your 1RM Clean. If you FS 300# I would imagine your clean to be AT LEAST 85% of that 1RM. Since 85% is a good standard for 3RM. I train the press and push press however I very rarely max them so I would not know a ratio there. The push press and jerk has as much to do with the front squat strength as it does the shoulder strength.

      Overall you sound pretty balanced. My Press is 170, Push Press is 245, and Jerk is 320. However I am a fast guy with very little shoulder strength. The clean to FS ratio is great though you can always afford to FS more.

      At 155# you have a ton of potential. I would love to catch up with you when you move to Dallas.

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