Next Faith RX Camp: Charlotte, NC

Group Prayer

A couple weeks ago Faith RX’d kicked off our training camps with our inaugural camp at Crossfit Central in Austin. If you missed that I wrote about my experience here.

It was an exceptional experience where I left encouraged to be continually desire to be a better coach AND I left seeking to leverage my position as a coach for the good of the Gospel.

The next camp is scheduled for February 21-23 in Charlotte NC. We learned a bit from the last camp and are brining some new additions to this one. Our goal for these camps is always a two-fold mission. Make attendees better coaches and empower/equip attendees to be able to use their place as a athlete or coach in their box to highlight Christ.

I will be leading the weightlifting session on Saturday morning and assisting throughout the week with the gymnastics and monostructural movement work. The camp is being held at Crossfit Eternal and in case you didn’t know Charlotte has one of the highest Crossfit gym locations per capita in the world. The means that this camp will likely sell fast.

Furthermore, for this camp both Michelle Crawford and Graham Holmberg will be in attendance and helping lead the weekend. Having their experience in the sport combined with their love for the Lord will be invaluable.

We are opening the link for the camp early because we expect the registration spots to sell fast. There is a early registration price that will disappear at the end of January so we hope yall can make it.

This weekend will push you both physically and spiritually and we are happy that our second stop is in Charlotte. Here’s the link for sign up: Faith RX’d Charlotte NC

2 responses to “Next Faith RX Camp: Charlotte, NC

  1. Pingback: Happy New Years: Here’s to 2014 | Glory·

  2. Hi Spencer, You may not remember me but I had the privilege of being a part of the Faith Rx’d weekend in Austin this past fall. You laughed at me when I explained how I was programming for myself and you told me that was a terrible idea. Thankfully I have a coach now who competed with Team 808 3x in the Games and has won a few USA-W events where he used to live in Hawaii. He has worked with Ursula before as well.

    I’m writing because I am only able to attend the Faith Rx’d event on Saturday in Charlotte but wondered if my coach and another oly lifter would be able to join you with your personal training that day. They have both read your testimony in the Faith Rx’d bibles and we have had many spiritual conversations as they are searching and hungry for something more. One of the guys decided he was just going to read through the whole bible in his search.

    This may be a long shot request but I thought I would ask and see. I know you need to stay focused in your training so these guys are serious weightlifters as well- but I totally understand you may need to have some boundaries with personal life.

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

    Melissa Murphy

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